Mila Kunis picture

Milena Kunis professionally known as Mila Kunis, is an American actress. Her television work includes the role of Jackie Burkhart on That '70s Show and the voice of Meg Griffin on the animated series Family Guy. She has also played roles in film, such as Rachel Jansen in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Mona Sax in Max Payne and Solara in The Book of Eli.

In 2010, she won the Marcello Mastroianni Award for Best Young Actor or Actress at the 67th Venice International Film Festival for her performance as Lily in Black Swan. She was also nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress and a Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role for the same role.

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Penalty pain for USA, as Japan hold their nerve in Women's World Cup Final shoot-out !

Japan celebrate their World Cup success after defeating USA in a penalty shoot-out tonight

Japan became the first Asian nation to win the Women's World Cup, beating the USA in a penalty shoot-out in Frankfurt tonight.

It was a heart breaking end to the tournament for the USA, who were just three minutes away from becoming the first country to lift the trophy for a third time, in what was a truly exhilarating final.

The USA dominated the opening stages. Lively winger Lauren Cheney forced a save from Ayumi Kaihori with a shot from an acute angle, just 25 second into the contest.

On eight minutes, Megan Rapinoe found some space on the left and her excellent near post cross was turned just wide again by Cheney. Barely a minute later, Abby Wambach fired a shot over as USA maintained their bright start.

Then it was Atlanta Beat midfielder Carli Lloyd who had the next chance to break the deadlock. Japan were unable to deal with Shannon Boxx's cross into the penalty area and the ball dropped kindly for the midfielder, but her sweetly struck shot from inside the the box sailed just over.

In the 12th minute Rapinoe then pushed the ball wide at the near post in a move reminiscent of Cheney’s effort a few minutes earlier.

In the 29 minute Wambach, the USA’s all-time top FIFA Women’s World Cup goalscorer, hit a stunning shot from close to the corner of the penalty area which rattled the underside of the crossbar and rolled away to safety.

The second half followed a similar pattern to the first, with the USA looking the far more threatening and the more likely to score.

Alex Morgan who came on at half-time for Cheney immediately imposed herself on the game. Four minutes after coming on the youngster got on the end of a Heather O’Reilly cross, only to see her toe-poked effort come back off the upright.

Then on the hour mark a Wambach header forced an excellent save from Kaihori as USA pushed ever closer to an opener.

However it was Morgan (right, wearing 13) who eventually gave the Stars and Stripes the lead on 69 minutes. A quick counter attack saw Rapinoe play an excellent long ball through for Morgan to run onto. She used her strength to hold off a defender, before the 22 year-old substitute hit a perfectly placed angled drive past the despairing Kaihori. 1-0 USA.

The USA seemed comfortably on course for victory with Japan posing little in the way of an attacking force, but with nine minutes of normal time remaining and against the run of play the Asian side equalised. Rachel Buehler and Alex Krieger failed to clear their lines following a cross from the right, allowing Aya Miyama to smash the loose ball past Hope Solo. USA 1-1 Japan.

So for the fourth time in six FIFA Women’s World Cup Finals, the match went into extra-time.

The USA regained the lead in the 104th minute when Morgan aimed a pinpoint cross towards the towering Wambach. The forward powered home a header from six yards, Wambach's fourth goal of the tournament - all from headers. 2-1 USA

Hope Solo Finally Gets Her Chance Against Brazil

Hope Solo is all smiles, as she'll get her chance to beat Brazil.

Hope Solo USA

In what is one of the best story lines of the Olympics, US Women's Goaltender Hope Solo, will have the opportunity to play against Brazil in the Gold Medal Game on Thursday.

Hope Solo Soccer

Only a year ago in China during Women's World Cup, Hope Solo was benched in the semifinal game against Brazil, and we all know the story, the US lost 4-0. Hope basically was kicked off the team for complaining about it. Now back on the team, she has chance to go full circle and cap it off with a Gold Medal.

Han VS Hope...Who is the greatest Solo?

Hope Solo by the now on my Kirilenko free pass list.

Yeah...Hope Solo is NICE....Which Solo is greater, Han or Hope?

Hope Solo - USA Soccer Babe

Hope Solo - USA Soccer Babe
Hope Solo - USA Soccer Babe
Hope Solo - USA Soccer Babe
Hope Amelia Solo (born 30 July 1981, in Richland, Washington) is an American goalkeeper currently playing for Atlanta Beat in the (WPS) Women's Professional Soccer league in the United States. Hope is also a member of the United States women's national soccer team, having won 91 international caps to date.

Hope Solo... Welcome to South Florida. Burrito loves you!

Hope Solo... Welcome to South Florida. Burrito loves you!

Hola muchachitas y muchachitos! Burrito want to tell you about his new love. Her name is Hope Solo and she gonna play in South Florida! Well, at least that's what say and Burrito believe anything they say cause they always have the swimsuit issue an if that no give you credibilitys then nothing will!
Si señoras y señores, Burrito's new chew toy is muy bonita and is maybe the best goalkeeper in the WPS. She will play with the MagicJack's Washington Freedom or a name something like that and will play at FAU stadium in Boca Raton.
But before Burrito continue he have to put up picture of Hope in Bikini!
Ay Chihuahua! Bueno, someone say it not Hope in Bikini pero sure do look like her... si? To continue, Hope is coming off of an injury so we "Hope" she is recovering well and will start for the home

Brian Wilson by Jeremy Gluck

Brian Wilson by Jeremy Gluck - "Y'know what I mean? I'm a crazy person, I'm really crazy. I dunno...."

Another piece we'd got lined up for the never to appear issue 7 of WANWTTS, and it's the second offering from our good friend Jeremy Gluck.

It's 1988, Brian Wilson had just launched his solo career with the release of the eponymous “Brian Wilson” album, and Jeremy Gluck gets to interview him - “without doubt the apex of my journalistic career” - spending several hours in his company. Some of the interview appeared in the Guardian (entitled “Good And Bad Vibrations”), some in Sounds, but there is a whole chunk that hasn't seen the light of day in the subsequent 23 years, until now.

Jeremy Gluck

Their lengthy dialogue provides plenty of evidence of Brian's confused state of mind and his then almost total dependence on Dr Eugene Landy. With the benefit of hindsight of course we now know that accusations against Landy of brainwashing, drugging and isolating his patient, then benefiting from an improper business relationship with him, ultimately cost Landy his professional license and reputation and in 1992 he was barred by court order from contacting Wilson. But all this was in the future.

The “Brian Wilson” album was critically well received but didn't sell in any great numbers, and a second Eugene Landy helmed album, “Sweet Insanity” was rejected in 1991 by Sire Records and was never released. It wasn't until 1995 that Brian got busy again with his non Beach Boys career.

Brian Wilson Interviewed By Jeremy Gluck

(Note: The content of this feature is based on the assumption that the reader is, like the author, a Brian Wilson devotee. It may read rather oddly in parts; I've included some material that is rather oblique, but gives an indication of Wilson's persona. Interviewing Wilson is an unusual challenge; bear with my self-indulgence.)

To his die-hard fans, Brian Wilson is indisputably the greatest “pop genius” of them all, and they are few. If you believe – as I do – that “Pet Sounds” is the greatest pop LP and that the Beach Boys are the summit of American pop (just as The Stooges are the summit of American punk), then you'll understand how exciting the prospect of actually meeting Wilson is.

Last October Wilson was in Ibiza to shoot a segment for a European satellite TV special. I missed the shoot, but was reliably informed later that he had difficulty facing the cameras and had been sick from nerves. Wilson has, after all, been diagnosed as “pathologically shy”.

I met Wilson the next day. His party- including Dr Landy, Landy's mother-in-law and his two personal assistants Chris and Kevin – occupied one wing of an exclusive private hotel in a small village about 15 miles north of Ibiza. When I arrived, in the mid-afternoon, Wilson was idly reclining on a couch. Kevin introduced me.

Wilson was cagey at the outset. He's fit, but also looks his age, 46. He extended his hand mechanically and asked me to “sit on my good side”. (Wilson has long suffered from a painful hearing loss in one ear). His eyes were a little narrowed and he was fairly still as we started; he stroked a cushion periodically, as a child would for comfort.

I asked Wilson several questions that weren't recorded; he affirmed that the “Smile” tapes would be remixed and released ASAP; he said that “Little Children” drew on “Da-Doo-Ron-Ron” for its structure and melody, beating on the cushion to show me how alike they are.

I began by asking Wilson about what he means by referring – as he does in Rolling Stone – to the “spirituality” of his music. His answer was off-centre but nonetheless interesting

BW - “You see: I've had a lot of practice, not just playing the piano. I've had practice interviewing and playing and a lot of practice with keyboards. I'm very familiar with what keys I need to play in and all, instead of having to accept what you just did with a band in 3 hours, I can't see going back to the old way when this new way works so well. It's tempting to get a group spirit thing with a nice sound going in a studio, but it's so much better to do it the tried and proven (i.e. modern) method. (At this point Wilson explains laying down the tracks, making the appropriate sounds of the instruments). It's not that funny working this way, interpreting what I do, I look back and see what I'm doin', and I see what I'm trying to do and I think I'm doing really well at it. You don't have to think in terms of perfectionism; just do what you do and it's right, even when you don't think it's right, it's perfect.

JG - It's the creative mystery I suppose.

BW – Yes, yeah.

JG – What are you favourite Beach Boys songs?

BW - “Good Vibrations”, “California Girls”....”Do It Again”...

(Midway through the next set of questions – not included here as used elsewhere - Wilson suddenly stops and says “Wait, I've got a stomach ache” and tilts his head back, raises two fingers and apparently concentrates. A moment later his eyes open and he says “OK”, smiling. Not for the first or last time in this lengthy interview, I'm startled and incredulous that I'm actually with Wilson and that he's so....weird.)

JG - “Brian Wilson” seems to represent an “act of faith” in yourself and the business and your own creative process. You'd have to have a lot of faith of a kind to make the music you have.

"Brian Wilson" Album 1988

BW – Yeah. I keep referring back to the bigger picture; learning to get an overall feeling for something is very important in life for me. The business I'm in calls for a lot of overview...I have risen to a personal gift that I can understand other people liking, but not ridiculing me for it. I'm not in business for someone to tell me that I'm just a fuckin' bastard - as a matter of fact I would take a punch at someone who did – I wouldn't start a fight, but I would take a punch. And I don't like people telling me I'm all fucked up and I don't really know what's going down in the world – to heck with that! But I will say this; I do love people. And my music through the years was a great deal of hell for me, to get into those songs out to the public and it was a great deal of discomfort to go through. I had to hang on like all hell for a few years there.

But lemme tell you; no pain, no gain. When you're doing it you don't want someone to remind you that there's no pain,no gain....but later on, after I'm through doing my pain and I'm actively productive again, then I'll be glad to sit down and think yeah, right, I did have to go through that to rise to this sort of personal power.

For that reason alone there are people that wouldn't buy Beach Boys records because they don't think the Beach Boys stand for anything that's happening now. I can't argue with the fact that someone might get punched in the nose (? - JG)....if somebody punched me in the nose and broke it, it would anger me to all hell. I might slow down for a month or two and not wanna do anything, or just call people bastards or whatever; that's just going on inside my head – what's going on outside my head is a lot of people saying “C'mon Brian, let's get a hit record, you can do it” and there's people saying “Fuck you Brian Wilson, you aint happening, it aint you, it's not your scene”. I've gotta contend with that all the time, y'know?

When I went into the studio with Steve Levine, he started cryin' because Al Jardine told him he was a washed-up little punk...I felt terrible. I said “Is there anything I can do to make it better?” He said, “No, Jardine has destroyed me!”. Finally, an hour later, he walked back in, Al apologised, Steve stopped crying – it was unbelievable. But noting's so bad that you're not going to go back into the studio and work...and he got in there and got a couple of good songs on there and everything was cool – except for that fuckin' Al Jardine screwing him up!

See, Al was feeling bad that day. Al feels bad sometimes, feels like life is a rip-off and he doesn't get to sing enough leads on the Beach Boys records. So you can imagine how much the guy has built up inside of him; so he lashed out at Steve Levine.

JG – With a gift like yours you can also frighten people, make them jealous, so they want to et back at you.

BW – That's happened to me! What happened was some of the guys work for – (laughs) excuse me, some of the guys who work for me and Gene (Dr Gene Landy, Wilson's manager/doctor/guru) – I got into a bag where I exercised quite a bit of creativity with people and it backfired. It was more difficult to be with somebody. I said what the hell is happening here I have set myself up to be somebody whose attitude to life – which was so precious to me, that I was a genius – what is this shit? Ah, it was nothin', it was just that I should've been all my life but wasn't....all my life I was missing a screw in my head 'cause I wasn't eating healthily. So the people around me were saying, Brian, don't eat steak and sugar....until I was converted to being a good healthy food eater. I couldn't handle where I was at that time – I went berserk and hid in my bedroom...there's a lot of personal questions I can't answer, that I can't go too deeply into what occurred in my life about....I can't do it, it's hell for me to have to go from the healthy foods to all the stuff I deal with, with my friends, the people I live with. It's too difficult. So I steer clear of it – that's how I do it.

Landy and Wilson

Alex Morgan Wallpaper

Alex Morgan Wallpaper

I Found My New Crush. Alex Morgan. USA Soccer.

How did I find this dame? Pretty short story actually. I was taking a shit 10 minutes ago and she popped up in last week's edition of Sports Illustrated. 21 year old grad from Cal. That's really all I needed to hear to have my heart stolen. I'm a pretty simple dude I guess. She's also one of the cutest girls I've seen in the past 72 hours. If I can still think about you after 3 days then you've done something and maybe, just maybe, we can have a conversation.

P.S. So does this mean I'm gonna watch any of the women's world cup? Nice try. I wouldn't watch that shit even if you threatened to skin my cat on live television while you slowly ripped off my toe nails and blasted Taylor Swift in my house for 54 straight days.

Lauren Cheney, Alex Morgan, Wambach score for US at World Cup against France

Lauren Cheney, Alex Morgan, Wambach score for US at World Cup against France

Former UCLA Bruin Lauren Cheney netted a big goal for the U.S. women's soccer team in its semifinal matchup against France and soccer hottie Gaetane Thiney at the FIFA Women's World Cup in Germany.
Cheney (above in a Frank Ockenfels 3 photo) was born with a congenital heart defect and had open heart surgery before she was three. Her heart is just fine right now and the rest of her is not bad either.
Cutie Heather O'Reilly (left) assisted on the play.
It is now 1-1. Sonia Bompastor scored for France. The French women have really been keeping hottie keeper Hope Solo busy.
Just a question: Do you think the French nationals are wearing French cut panties under their uniforms?
U.S. has taken the lead thanks to a goal by Abby Wambach. The veteran headed it in.
Up and coming hottie Alex Morgan chipped on in to make it 3-1 for the U.S. This former Cal star definitely needs some more screen time!
The U.S. wins!!! They advance to Sunday's final. They will play either Japan or Sweden. I'm hoping for Sweden as that means more quality time with blonde bombshell Josefine Oqvist. Earlier in the tournament she created quite a stir among male watchers by trading her jersey with a lucky fan.

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  • vjkypally
    09-14 04:48 PM
    Seeing the interest for this Poll I think most 2004 cases are already approved. Remaining should be cleared this month or next month for sure.

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  • yjprakash
    10-20 04:08 PM
    Can someone also share the NSC fax number please?

    Here is the fax number for NSC 4022196344

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  • SunnySurya
    08-21 03:15 PM
    Thanks, I gave you some green dots for your answers.
    You asked about my age: I will be 40yrs old this December. I came here when I was 29.
    Even though you wanted to file a lawsuit against EB3( I am EB3 2004, with US Masters and Indian Bachelors both in Computer Science) I will still go ahead give you some suggestions.

    1) I am guessing since you are working for consulting company, you might have worked at client places here in US. Nowadays everyone is in the fashion of opening their own India office like Target, BOA etc. So if you have worked with these clients and have good references from a PM or VP then you might be able to get in India office fairly easily and with really good pay. You could try for managerial roles.

    2)As someone suggested Real Estate is another option

    3) Otherthing to look in to is opening a school, this will help serve the community and also make money for you. Schools in India are going nowhere, so very less risk.

    Hope this helps you...but what I am not sure from your statements is, are you frustrated with the wait for GC or are you frustrated with making less than what you should be making or are you frustrated in general?

    Do not know your age, could be mid life crisis :D think about it....take a vacation....

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  • crazydesi
    09-03 07:39 PM
    # 8/29/2008 AILA Liaison Seeks Examples of Adjustment Cases Pending Security Checks (. 27 KB) AILA is collecting information in an effort to work with USCIS to identify adjustment of status applications that may be approvable as of October 1, 2008, when new visa numbers become available. The focus of this effort is those adjustment of status cases, which are approvable under the February 4, 2008, security check memo by Michael Aytes. AILA Doc. No. 08082968.


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  • conchshell
    07-29 04:39 PM
    CIS Ombudsman's 2008 Annual Report: Your Questions and Comments" Tuesday, July 29, 3 pm EST - New 07/14/2008
    Is any one would like to join this !

    I was wondering if there is any update available from this meeting?

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  • yabadaba
    06-29 10:07 AM


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  • sendmailtojk
    03-31 11:44 PM
    At least, get a letter from your employer stating they won't revoke your I-140. If they agree to do so, then file a G-28 appointing a new attorney of your choice; however, if you are happy with your current one and find them affordable, let them know and ensure they will handle your case independent of your employer.


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  • nihar
    11-21 04:08 PM
    if i check in the wesite or call the ins they say its approved bt my consultant states that the same had a query which i have also seen was sent to her , the query was sent in aug and we did reply the same instance . rite now im on student visa and abtto complete my mba and eligible for my internship . im veri much in the usa . please guide me as to wat shud i do tackle this situation and whts the next step . i want to wrk asap . i also that want to knw after its approval wat r the next step of docs tat i shud have and wat is it that i need to have to gain a upper hand and be out of this mess


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  • CatsintheCraddle
    05-04 03:31 PM
    Thanks for the reply. You're right, emotion or logic has nothing to do with USCIS:):)

    I don't have the letter with me but the denial is based on a law pertaining to me only submitting a partial answer to their request. How true that is is up to debate as my cosponsor says no but really, it doesn't matter what we say when the USCIS say something different.

    We will not be getting a lawyer, we cannot afford that right now but we will probably file for the motion to reopen my case. I have a somewhat good understanding of what I need to do but not sure how successful we will be. Hopefully, they will accept our fee waiver form becuase we probably won't be sending them money. We would still like to know if anyone has tried to have their case reopened and how long it took and how it went.

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  • LegallyGC
    08-11 04:13 PM
    Nice to see that u did start a new thread for this..
    I think we all should get together now and make sure 2011 will be a great year for all the immigrant community.


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  • days_go_by
    09-11 10:59 AM
    After reading this, I was not sure whether that 140K included the Labour backlogs. I know the BECs have been a lot more active lately and have been pumping out approvals/denials more rapidly.
    If infact 140K backlogs do include them, then perhaps that would be a good thing, since atleast then we can perhaps begin to get our arms around this and understand how long our waits will actually be.
    One thing is for sure they have definitely stepped up the speed of things at the USCIS with other filings after retrogression hit.

    This is just USCIS backlogs, DOL is a separate agency and the labor backlogs do not count in this.

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  • vandanaverdia
    09-12 07:08 PM
    23 members & growing...
    Wake up Washingtonians & Oregonians....


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  • vinabath
    03-24 03:24 PM
    You are a senior member. Why are you creating useless thread? People browse IV forums for valuable and important information. People (volunteers) works extra time on limited resources to have this website up & running. I do not understand what made you start this useless thread and waste others time?:eek:

    I am sorry man, I did not think from your perspective.

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  • indyanguy
    01-16 11:12 AM

    What is the difference between an affidavit and a letter? Affidavit is one that is not on a letter head and a letter is the one on a letter head or it depends on who is writing the letter?

    Does 1 each serve the purpose?

    With the initial packet, I had sent
    1 letter from Company A (By the director on letterhead)
    2 letters from Company B (1 from colleague on letterhead and 1 from HR on letterhead)


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    04-28 12:47 PM
    Travelled back from India today by continental flight from mumbai till newark non stop. My H1b is expiring on 19th june. Had a ISSUELESS entry. The guy asked your petition is valid only till 19th June. I replied I am going to file an extension. he said you will be needing to reenter the country after it. I said "yes, I know". He said he is going to give in I-94 valid till 29th june just in case if I have any issues. That is 10 more days after my petition is expring.
    Guy was very nice and supporting. We shared some jokes . he notices that by passport has writing that If I take citizenship of any other country than I have to surrender the passport. he asked "india dont allow dual citizenship". I said "No". he replied "It sucks" and we laughed together.
    My advice dont let current recession effect your trip. If you need any more information PM me. I will be happy to assist.

    Also, just I wanted to share the information becuase many people seemed worried about this.

    Good luck :) :) :) :)

    I entered US at Newar POE on 7/15/08 based on AP which expired on 7/20/08. They give me I-94 valid until 7/15/09. I do not have any plan to go out of country till end of 2010. Do I have to renew AP or I-94?

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  • sbdol
    07-21 09:45 PM
    Yes, it is good for people with latest priority dates. For 2006 and 207 priority dates people, I recommend paying the new fees, it would benefit them on a long run.

    You are saying as if one has a choice.
    If you file before August 17 then you have to pay the old fee. If you apply after August 17... actually people with the 2006-07 priority dates may not have this opportunity in the foreseeable future unless legislature bodies do something about the retrogression.


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  • ubetman
    08-04 01:09 PM

    My employer is filing my I-140 and I-485/131/765 concurrently. My lawyer/representative send a list which says G-28 signed by lawyer and my employer. I understand for I-140, G-28 is signed by lawyer and employer(petitioner). When filed concurrently is one G-28 is enough for whole forms?
    I read we need to have G-28 form for each form and for 485/131/765 forms G-28 should be signed by the actual applicant and the lawyer instead of the petitioner(my employer). Right now in my case there is only G-28 form they were sending that was signed by my employer(petitioner) and the one G-28 is fine for whole application packet when filed concurrently...

    USCIS website clearly says without G-28 form they will reject the application right away...but it didn't mentioned for each form though...but all my colleagues says they signed three G-28 forms one each 485/765/131...i am little confused and concerend..please suggest..

    thanks in advance..

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  • kumar1305
    01-23 12:35 PM
    Can you provide more details...?

    I work in south Florida. My employer is seriously involved in helping the people. They got a blood bank here and requested to donate. Even though I never did before, I thought it is much required now as I see many people are in the hospitals. They were even collecting the red blood cells sending plasma back in to the donor. This is done by some machine. But that was a bit painful and time consuming, I preferred to donate blood the tradition way. Money is collected by few employees on behalf of red cross and few other charities. So employees got some cakes, buns and you buy a piece for $10 or $20. Not only that we can donate our old usable clothing, blankets.

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