crawlers on black ops

crawlers on black ops. call of duty lack ops zombies
  • call of duty lack ops zombies

  • andyblac
    Aug 7, 02:51 PM
    UK prices have not changed still �529 for the 20" and �779 for 23", i'm ready to buy a new Mac Pro 2.66 & a Cinema Display but not if the UK prices dont drop.

    crawlers on black ops. Black.Ops.Zombies.Solo.Mode.
  • Black.Ops.Zombies.Solo.Mode.

  • wrldwzrd89
    Apr 10, 08:28 AM
    Believe it or not, neither Mac OS X nor Windows suits my needs best right now - hence why I've migrated to something altogether different: Ubuntu Linux.

    That said, I will continue to use Mac OS X and Windows for development/testing purposes, so I am very much looking forward to both Lion and Windows 8.

    crawlers on black ops. Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies
  • Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies

  • quagmire
    Jan 12, 09:38 AM
    Jobs wasn't smug at all IMHO. He was excited about it. You should of clearly seen that. He made a few jokes( like that prank call to Starbucks), but that was just his normal old humor. The only problem I had was with the order he stated iPod, phone, and internet communicator. The iPod and phone got good responses and then the internet communicator the people went, " ummm.... ok." I would of went internet communicator-> iPod-> phone. Get louder responses step and save the best for last. Other then that the keynote was good, if not one of his best.

    For you iPhone haters, you people seem to think hardware makes the product revolutionary. Since you think so, you're right then. The iPhone in terms of hardware is nothing special. Got the standard CPU, standard 2.5G things, etc. But, there is more things that make it revolutionary then hardware. The UI is what makes the iPhone revolutionary. How you navigate the iPhone is revolutionary. How easy it is to use it and navigate through it. Ok, so it uses flash instead of an HD. How do most people treat their cell phones? Most people I see their cell phones are beat up. Scratches galore, etc. I bet the HD would be killed within weeks. Not to mention the extra thickness and power usage. 8 GB is the highest affordable flash you can put in a product right now so Apple didn't skimp out on that. Plus, the iPhone is a phone first and foremost. The iPod part is just a feature on it. I love how someone avoided the question, " What else were you hoping for?" Doesn't answer the question at all. Just continues the BS on how the iPhone isn't revolutionary.

    For most part, the iPhone haters simply don't get the point of Apple. Why Apple makes the products the way they do. They have been brainwashed by other companies throwing in technology galore into their products. What is the point of adding even more technology if the current technology in the product isn't easy to use? You're just going to confuse the crap out of your customer base. That is where Apple steps in. Apple takes the technology and makes it easier to use. So Apple doesn't always use the latest and greatest stuff in their products. Look at the original Mac. Nothing really new in there hardware wise. But, it changed how we used a computer. Fast forward to 2001 when the iPod was introduced. It was just another HD based MP3 player. Had nothing the competition. The iPod did what the other MP3 players could do. Yet, what made the iPod revolutionary was the way we navigated through an MP3 player and how we used it overall( the iTunes/iPod integration for example). It was easy to use and put music on it.

    PS: If we bought everything Apple made why didn't the Newton and Cube sell well?

    crawlers on black ops. quot;Black Ops.quot; For a
  • quot;Black Ops.quot; For a

  • TheMacBookPro
    Mar 19, 06:15 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    iPhone is a great target because of the "holier than thou" culture that Steve Jobs helped create. And now they come out with a phone with a shatter-prone back, flat/square as a brick, still retains the small 3.5" screen and the antenna problems. This is all excellent fuel for the haters.

    Even with all that it's still the best phone out there, but the 4 is an even easier target and it's starting to wobble on it's pedestal. Now, when you pull out an iPhone 4, you can expect "oh, you got one of those."

    You can thank Apple for making this all worse with it's stupid design decisions on the iPhone 4. They have a chance to fix a lot of this come June.

    Not that they need to change anything, obviously. Keep the same shatter prone design, horrible ergonomics, 3.5" screen and just bolt on the A5 chip and everyone'll still lap it up ;)

    One a slightly more serious note- the 'haters' hate the iPhone because of 1)Jobs and his (stupid) smug-ness (iPhone is the best phone the world. The screen is far better than anything else. Everyone is copying us, we are the benchmark and everyone else should bugger off) and 2)the fanboys who lap it all up and 'spreads the word' like door to door salesmen.
    Then, when someone disagrees with them (God forbid), the fanboys call the 'iHaters' retards because obviously the iPhone is the best, Android users are just too poor to afford an iphone and thats why we 'envy' (LOL) iUsers and so on.

    Rant directed at nobody in particular. Just getting it out of my system.


    crawlers on black ops. mentioned in the Black Ops
  • mentioned in the Black Ops

  • Cougarcat
    May 2, 01:31 PM
    I have been playing with the Lion Preview for a few weeks, on and off, and I am not liking what I see.

    I like the minimalist look, to some extent. It feels very clean and Jobsian, but I feel like many of the features I rely on have been changed. For example:

    crawlers on black ops. CoD: Black Ops Multiplayer
  • CoD: Black Ops Multiplayer

  • Mac_Freak
    Sep 7, 09:31 PM
    He is performance aside, that was not what would ever expect from Apple.
    Kanye West's lyriks where anapropriate for the even. I am sure Steve or any one else in Apple has heard his liriks, just how did they allowed for that performace. The croud in that event didn't care for his performance and for sure wasn't in their taste, as I havn't see a jurnalists go "Yo, Yo, wut up dude?"

    ahh what is going on at Apple now days?!


    crawlers on black ops. points into duty lack ops
  • points into duty lack ops

  • Stella
    Mar 24, 03:06 PM
    Here's to another great 10 years!

    OSX is the reason I switched for Linux.

    I never really liked OS X until 10.5.
    For me, the first usable version was Pather. Had great performance improvements over 10.2.

    UI-wise, the brushed metal of 10.2 was a very low point!

    crawlers on black ops. Call of Duty Black Ops: Zombie
  • Call of Duty Black Ops: Zombie

  • wrldwzrd89
    Apr 7, 09:24 AM
    Hello all! This is an interesting debate... I think both OSes will be powerhouses by the time they're released. However... Microsoft's upping the ante with Windows 8, it seems. Had I seen this thread, I would have posted this ( here, instead... oh well.


    crawlers on black ops. I just bought Black ops
  • I just bought Black ops

  • Evangelion
    Aug 8, 04:03 AM
    The Cinema Displays aren't for general consumers like most of you posting in this thread. They're for professionals who need even backlighting, excellent color accuracy, and a large viewing angle. That's why Apple charges a premium for them. If you don't care about these things get a Dell.

    What makes you think that you can't get those features in a Dell? Do you have any facts?

    crawlers on black ops. Black Ops Zombies*Ascension
  • Black Ops Zombies*Ascension

  • darkpaw
    Jan 15, 04:27 PM
    I hate to labour the point, but the Apple TV just got a price drop of $70 from $299 to $229, yet the UK price is still �199! Or - to put it another way and point out the pricing discrepancy - twice the price of the US version!

    Couple this with the fact that you can't use the new movie rental features over here until "later this year", I can't see anyone buying an Apple TV in the UK for some time.


    crawlers on black ops. lack ops numbers mission
  • lack ops numbers mission

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 15, 08:15 PM
    Whoa, is this a contest for the longest post?

    Count me absent.

    crawlers on black ops. from Zombies in Black Ops.
  • from Zombies in Black Ops.

  • wlh99
    Apr 26, 08:59 PM
    After that I implement a Cancel method pointing to sender (button)

    So, my goal is to use 1 start button and 1 cancel button.. and just do their actions. I have set up a the start button to start both timers, obviously both start their countdown at the same time which is not good.

    I want to tell one timer to start and if I press cancel, invalidate it. Then If I press start again, call the second timer. (I do this because I read that you can't reuse a timer after you invalidate it).

    Some people have suggested to use Booleans like true or false, or conditions. What do you think?

    What if after pressing the start button, you create a timer and start it. Then pressing the cancel button invalidates and releases it. Then pressing the start button would create another timer, using the same pointer.

    Totally untested and probably broken code below, but should demonstrate the idea:

    -(IBAction)startButton:(id) sender {
    // myTimer is declared in header file ...

    if (myTimer!=nil) { // if the pointer already points to a timer, you don't want to create a second one without stoping and destroying the first

    [myTimer invalidate];
    [myTimer release];


    // Now that we know myTimer doesn't point to a timer already..

    myTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:aTimeInterval target:self selector:@selector(echoIt:) userInfo:myDict repeats:YES];
    [myTimer retain];

    -(IBAction)cancelIt:(id) sender {
    [myTimer invalidate];
    [myTimer release]; // This timer is now gone, and you won't reuse it.


    crawlers on black ops. Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies
  • Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies

  • dsnort
    Aug 1, 08:39 PM
    The problem is that the license says that the limitations can change at any time, so one doesn't really know what one buys, even if one has read the license - which I'm sure most people has not. I don't believe that the complaint is first and foremost about the DRM (which one may have opinions about exactly how it is implemented and shared but most anyway recognises it as a necessary evil) but rather what is summarised in these two sentences: "it is unreasonable that the agreement the consumer must give consent to is regulated by English law. That iTunes disclaims all liability for possible damage the software may cause and that it may alter the rights to the music". I think most of us agree that it is not reasonable that that which we buy can destroy anything on our computer and that they can e.g. suddenly just allow me to play a song just five times. And even though we all trust and like Apple these sort of licences are getting sillier and sillier (and it is certainlly not just Apple, it is basically the whole industry) and I think it is really good that someone who has the time and knowledge to fight it takes a stand against it, even though I believe shutting down the store may be overkill but I'm sure it won't come to that.



    I understand what you are saying, and empathize with your concern. I just find it bewildering that the focus of so much of this debate is Apples DRM, which is one of the most reasonable out there. This is not a case, so far, of Apple abusing the customer so much as it is of Apple having so many customers. For real DRM abuse stories, check out what Sony did on some of the DVD's they sold. Or Napsters subscription service where you have rights to the music as long as you keep making the payments, every month. Or try to decipher M$'s DRM policy. Or try to sign up for Sony's Connect Store on a Mac.
    I personally don't think it will ever come to the point where Apple will pull iTunes from any country, at least, I certainly hope not.
    As for the post you quoted, sorry. People who insist that everyone who doesn't agree with them is mentally defective touch a hot button for me. Especially when their reasoning is.....suspect.

    crawlers on black ops. from Zombies in Black Ops.
  • from Zombies in Black Ops.

  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Apr 15, 01:30 PM
    Looks uncomfortable to hold for long periods of time. iPhones have rounded edges as they're meant to be held in your hand for hours, if need be. Sharp edges would make that a less than ideal situation, I'd think?


    crawlers on black ops. Black Ops [Vaust Review]
  • Black Ops [Vaust Review]

  • Azathoth
    Apr 29, 03:04 PM
    I have to laugh at the people worried that one day Apple will cut off software access in OS X. Apple said they won't do that. That would be bad for business. It makes no sense.

    It makes no sense - until it does...
    e.g. PowerPC support in SL, FW support is waning. Apple does not make, or support, things for the "long tail"

    The main things I need from Lion are:
    TRIM support for 3rd party (my SSD is definately slowing down)
    Better Samba support

    crawlers on black ops. Black
  • Black

  • Cloudane
    Jan 11, 04:49 AM
    It would be great if the price went down. There should also be some updates, but concentrating on a lower price, as PCs that are the same speed are much less.

    Yes, and look what happens. You get what you pay for (as I discovered with my 20" iMac with its bargain basement screen!)

    I would hope "cheap" Macs would be an addition to, rather than a replacement of, decent quality ones.


    crawlers on black ops. In Call of Duty Black Ops
  • In Call of Duty Black Ops

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 25, 05:49 PM
    That lady has "issues", just looking at her demeanour. :eek:

    crawlers on black ops. Black Ops. As reported by
  • Black Ops. As reported by

  • Truffy
    Mar 25, 04:33 AM
    My first Mac (G4 Cube) came with both OS9 and Cheetah. OS X was barely usable then (to a non-propellorhead newbie), and I started mainly with the old OS. God how that looks tired now. For me, OS X didn't really start until Panther.

    I still have that Cube. Great little computer!

    crawlers on black ops. Re: CALL OF DUTY: BLACK OPS

  • RoboCop001
    Jan 10, 03:53 PM
    Worse than lame.

    Where does Gizmodo operate from? I'm going to pay them a visit and turn their monitors off. If you can't tell that's a metaphor for kicking them in the shins and then the face.

    And then maybe if there's enough time, I'll force them to watch Dark Planet or that episode of Battlestar Galactica 1980 where the kids go up in a tree and turn invisible and start throwing apples at the people down below and they have those ridiculous viper bikes.

    Anyone remember Tek Wars? What a show!

    Jan 9, 04:41 PM
    apple has posted the keynote, but the link doesn't work

    edit: it's working now

    Apr 29, 08:05 PM
    "About This Mac" System Information now shows HDD content by type as opposed to just "other" (orange)

    Apr 25, 12:20 PM
    Uh, no... the iPhone 4 was called the iPhone 4 because it was the 4th version of the iPhone (not because it came after 3 in 3G). If the next iPhone is called the 4S, that'd be the 5th iPhone model. So the next one after that would be called the iPhone 6.

    It would go:

    iPhone 3G
    iPhone 3GS
    iPhone 4
    iPhone 4S (or iPhone 5)
    iPhone 6

    Agree. It is just stupid that they in the early years named the phones after features ( iPhone2="now we have 3G network" and iPhone3="now we have a faster phone with 3G network") and than suddenly switched to the generation number .... This is really confusing to many people (my favorite ones are the one that still claim that the iPhone 3G is the "iPhone third generation" ....)

    I just hope they stick now with generation numbers and no more 'added feature suffix' .... so would the '4S' be for the bigger screen or for more speed ? - if they have both, would it be the iPhone 4SS ???) -> just bad naming schema.

    Sep 12, 08:09 AM
    The link from Transporter 2 includes Movies+Trailers in the URL. As does the one below it, the other two include Games+Trailers.

    Here's the full link from the Transporter 2 bit.

    That was such a lame movie.

    Apr 15, 07:35 PM
    I thought this was the new iPhone HD:

    Now if that's fake, they did a damn good job. (and have a ton of time on their hands)

    On a related note, does anyone know how to embed a YT video in a post?

    Bit too in your face and unrefined for me, the fat chrome sides make it look pretty odd! I do love the alu design far more than the plastic one though!


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